Humanities Institute

Recent News

The Center for Ethnic Studies has announced its next round of funding for students affiliated with the center and its programs. Applications are currently live for the autumn Student Travel and…

The OSU Festival Latino team brought hard work, high energy and thoughtful engagement to the OSU outreach booth at Festival Latino in downtown Columbus on August 10-11, 2024. Representatives from…

A recent episode of the "Now at Ohio State" podcast featured Center for Ethnic Studies affiliates Professor John Low, Professor Emeritus Lucy Murphy and Professor Emeritus Christine Ballengee…

Isaac Weiner, Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and professor in the Department of Comparative Studies, recently received a 2024 Simon Rockower Award from the American Jewish…

People Directory

Director, Center for Ethnic Studies; Associate Professor, Department of History of Art
Program Coordinator, Melton Center for Jewish Studies
Director, Humanities Institute and Humanities Collaboratory; Professor, Department of Comparative Studies
Metaphors of Reception, Reception as Metaphor Working Group Leader; Assistant Professor, Department of Classics