In Memoriam: Christian K. Zacher (1941 - 2019)

July 15, 2019

In Memoriam: Christian K. Zacher (1941 - 2019)

Chris Zacher

It is with profound sadness that I must share the news that Christian Zacher passed away on July 2.  Chris was the founder in 1998 of the Institute for Collaborative Research and Public Humanities (since renamed The Humanities Institute), and served as its director until his retirement from the University in 2011.  In addition, Chris served from 1984-1992 as director of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, now one of the constituent centers of the Humanities Institute.   For this and a host of other such efforts on behalf of the public humanities Chris was fittingly awarded the Ohio Humanities Council's Bjornson Award for Distinguished Service in the Public Humanities in 2006.  His vision for the vibrancy of the humanities continues to guide the mission of the Humanities Institute. 

On a personal note, Chris had long served as a mentor and friend, and I shall miss his wisdom, insight and wry sense of humor. 

David Staley

Director, Humanities Institute

Obituary for Christian Zacher