CSR Visiting Scholar – Call for Applications

The Center for the Study of Religion has announced a new short-term visiting scholar program.
Building on a successful pilot program in March 2023, they are currently accepting proposals from contingent and independent scholars, who may especially benefit from the opportunity to join our robust intellectual community. CSR expects the visiting scholar to be in residence at OSU the week of March 18-22, 2024. During that week, the scholar will offer a public research lecture, visit with students and classes, and participate in other Center initiatives, including our regular reading and writing groups. Depending on the scholar’s interests, additional events may be scheduled, such as a community lecture for audiences beyond the university. Details will be arranged via consultation between the selected scholar and center director.
The visiting scholar will receive a $3,000 honorarium for delivering the public research lecture. Lodging, travel and meals will also be covered. In addition, the center can promise a warm, convivial intellectual community that will engage you and your work with openness, interest and respect.
The area of specialization is open. This opportunity is open only to U.S.-based scholars with PhDs in hand who are not currently in a tenured or tenure-eligible faculty position.
To submit a proposal, please compile the following materials into a single PDF and submit to religion@osu.edu.
- CV
- One-page summary of your research
- Tentative title and one-paragraph abstract for your research lecture
The review of proposals will begin on October 15, 2023 by a committee of faculty affiliated with the Center for the Study of Religion. Proposals will be evaluated based on their potential to stake out bold directions in the study of religion that will engage scholars across different areas of specialization.
For more information, please contact the director of the Center for the Study of Religion, Isaac Weiner: weiner.141@osu.edu.