CES Autumn Student Travel and Research Grant Recipients

November 17, 2022

CES Autumn Student Travel and Research Grant Recipients

Center for Ethnic Studies Student Travel and Research Grant Recipients

Congratulations to the recipients of the Center for Ethnic Studies' Autumn Student Travel and Research Grants! They received a record number of applications over this grant cycle, all an impressive array of projects and research. CES is excited to be able to fund or partially fund projects or travel for 15 students- a record number of recipients for one round of funding.  

These grants support students’ research activities, conference participation, and other academically-oriented travel needs. Recipients' projects explore subjects like studying the prevalence of Rheumatoid Arthritis among Native American populations; researching the history of the "Yellow Slave Trade," or human trafficking among Asian Americans; examining trends in Latinx voting behavior; and measuring e-learning efficacy among recent immigrant student populations.  

The next round of grant funding will occur during Spring semester, with applications becoming available in mid-March, and awardees notified in mid-April. Announcements will be sent out via the Ethnic Studies listserv, on our websites, and on our social media. 

Congratulations to the following recipients: 

Audra Couch will study the occurrence of Rheumatoid Arthritis among American Indigenous populations. 

Maretha Dellarosa is researching e-learning efficacy among recent immigrant populations.  

Julie Kim will travel to New Orleans to present on her research on Black and Asian Feminist Solidarities at the American Studies Association Conference.  

Anisa Kline will attend a writing retreat for dissertation completion in Tuscan, Arizona. 

Franshelly Martinez will present on her research on Latinx voting behavior at a poster session of the PRIEC conference at the University of Texas at Austin. 

Lauren Miranda will travel to Portland, Oregon to present at the American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference. 

Bumi Patel will travel to Minneapolis, Minnesota to present her paper, "Horizons of Liberation: Unlearning, Hybridity, and Relationality as Decolonial Approaches to Movement-based Performance” at the National Women's Studies Association Annual Conference. 

Hannah Reyes will travel to the 2022 Association for the Study of Higher Education conference in Las Vegas to co-present two sessions, both on Latina women college student development and the influential role of Latina maternal figures. 

Yukina Sato will perform at the World Dance Alliance -Americas Conference at Texas A&M University. 

Amy Schofield will conduct an auto-ethnographic study of flamenco performance and practice in Salvador de la Bahia, Brazil. 

Jessica Tjiu will continue her research on the “Yellow Slave Trade,” travelling to a number of archival institutions in California, including the California Historical Society, UC Berkeley Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley Asian American Studies Library, and Stanford University Library.  

Deborah Waughtal will travel to Boston and El Salvador to conduct interviews for her research,  examining the sociolinguistic practices of two groups: speakers with origins in El Salvador, currently residing there; and speakers with origins in El Salvador who have lived in the US for variable lengths of time.

Henrique Yagui Takahashi will travel to Lima, Peru and Sao Paolo, Brazil, to conduct ethnographic and archival research for his dissertation project, a comparative study of two Asiantowns in Latin America. 

Man Yao will conduct a qualitative interview study about name-based misgendering experiences among Chinese international students. 

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