AWANA Red de Artistas y Gestores Interculturales Comunitarios del Ecuador

AWANA proactively builds these community-oriented process in partnership with various cultural organizations and institutions including The Ohio State University and the K’acha Willaykuna Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Arts and Humanities Collaboration, a special initiative of Ohio State’s Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Theme.
Four key objectives anchor the collective efforts of this artists network:
- Giving visibility and attributing value to the work of community artists and cultural administrators
- Collectively developing cultural policies
- Raising citizens’ awareness about cultural rights
- Advocating for artistic and cultural work as worthy and respectable work
AWANA consciously recognizes that its influence and decision-making power come from lo comunitario, the community. It is from this position of communal collaboration that members of the network collectively act, build, demand and strive toward substantial and sustainable change.
We invite you to view the recording of the AWANA Minka Cultural Virtual Concert and Cultural Encounter and share with you a message from the organizers and members of the AWANA network:
Welcome to all and we appreciate these new times that allow us to continue weaving our hopes. Kaypi kanchik mashikuna tukuylla tantankushpa jakuchi ñukanchik derechos culturales nishkakunata maskashpa rimarishpak katinkapak. Alli shamushka kaychik mashikuna tukuyllakuna kay rimarikunaman. Bienvenidos compañeros y compañeras a esta Minka Cultural.