The Metaphors of Reception, Reception as Metaphor working group will host Simon Goldhill, professor in Greek Literature and Culture at the University of Cambridge, for a public lecture titled "What Multiple Authorship Does to Metaphors of Reception."
This talk will look at the issue of co-authorship (which, incidentally, always raises eyebrows in promotion committees where nobody, it seems, can get their heads around how to evaluate 'contribution'). Specifically, it looks at how co-production introduces fascinating questions about 'voice'. In particular, it looks at three sets of material: John Cage's ballet 'Second Hand',/'Cheap Imitation'; Gilbert and George's installation art; and, in between and at greatest length, works of scriptural paraphrase in Greek from the fourth century and in Latin from the early modern era. (Art, music, literature, theology...) I discuss how 'speaking in another's voice' - or 're-voicing' – becomes a complex metaphor for reception. The paper argues against many prevalent models of reception in favor of a fractal sense of fissured voices.
Simon Goldhill is Professor in Greek Literature and Culture at the University of Cambridge. He is Foreign Secretary and Vice President of the British Academy, fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, member of the Council of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and President of the European Institutes for Advanced Study. He is currently Program Co-Director at the CIFAR's "Humanity's Urban Future" program. He has published more than 20 monographs, including What Is a Jewish Classicist? Essays on the Personal Voice and Disciplinary Politics (2021).
This event is free and open to the public. Co-sponsored with the Humanities Institute.
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